
Privacy Statement

last edited on February 18 2021

1. Personal information of (potential) clients is being processed by Babalon Coaching, run by Sinsia van Kalkeren: babaloncoaching@gmail.com

2. I collect personal information when (potential) clients express an interest in my sessions and/or workshops. This can be through email, over the phone, in person and occasionally through a third party (a referral from a colleague for example)

3. The information I collect consists of:

  • Name
  • Contact information (phone number, email, other)
  • Payment details
  • Details about our interaction (what happened during a session or workshop, and what have you shared with me about your personal situation)
  • Other information relevant to our interactions

4. I collect this information for the following purposes:

  • To be able to contact (potential) clients
  • To be able to offer (potential) clients a custom made session plan
  • To be able to plan meetings
  • To be able to send (potential) clients payment requests
  • For marketing purposes
  • In case of default
  • To be able to offer (potential) clients the best possible service

5. In some cases I share contact details of (potential) clients with third parties. For example:

  • Email clients (such as gmail and mailchimp)
  • IT services
  • Accountant
  • Other third parties necessary for providing my services

Where possible I anonymise details of (potential) clients. I do not share details about  interactions with (potential) clients  with third parties. If I am required by law to share details of (potential) clients, I will. I will not share details of (potential) clients for commercial purposes.

6. I store personal details of (potential) clients no longer than one year after our last contact, unless obliged by law.

7. To make sure details of (potential) clients are safe I:

  • Anonymise details of (potential) clients when possible
  • Store information about our interaction (‘client notes’) on a password protected laptop (not in a cloud or similar)
  • Use a password manager to generate safe passwords

8. This website uses cookies (mini text files stored on your device) to make sure it functions well. I only use “functional cookies” (they make sure the website runs as it should) and anonimised “analytical cookies” (they show me how people use the website so I can make changes where needed).  I do not use “tracking cookies”.

9. If you want to know what data I have collected on you, please contact me at babalonchaoching@gmail.com. I will give you an overview of the data within a month of your request. If you have a complaint, please contact me so we can find a solution. I we can not find a solution, please contact the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens through their website.

10. This privacy statement is subject to change. All changes will be published on www.thequeersexcoach.com.